Staying Fit and Healthy While Dealing With Injuries

Jessica Hall
March 8, 2023
Staying Fit and Healthy While Dealing With Injuries

If you’re dealing with an injury, we hope you are taking the time to give your body the rest it needs to heal. But if you’re dealing with a longer term injury and still itching for some activity, her are some tips to staying fit and healthy when dealing with injuries.

1. Be Mindful

The worst thing to do is to exacerbate an existing injury by pushing yourself too hard, too fast. Being mindful with an injury means listening to your body. Notice what movements cause pain or discomfort, and avoid those or talk to your coach about how to modify.

2. Isolate Areas of the Body

If you have an ankle injury, you likely can perform all sorts of arm- and core-related movements without causing your ankle any strain. If you’re experience a shoulder injury, you may be able to still do light cardio, squats, and even core work.

Assess your injury, and try out variations on your exercise routine. If you’re usually cardio-focused and your injury prevents that, use this opportunity to incorporate strength training into your routine.

Whatever you do, make sure to talk to your doctor first before starting a fitness regimen. A doctor or physical therapist will be the best person to work with to manage your injury!

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